Financial Reporting
Best Practice Regulatory Compliance
Financial reporting requirements are constantly evolving. Companies expanding through acquisition, or establishing complex capital structures to delineate returns among investors or procure premier talent, face considerable compliance obligations often predicated on sound valuation theory and practice.
Such obligations can most effectively be met by experienced valuation professionals who grasp the ins and outs of fair value accounting. Our financial reporting valuation experiences include, among others:
- Acquisition method analyses (ASC 805)
- Goodwill impairment testing (ASC 350)
- Stock-based compensation (ASC 718)
- Long-lived asset impairment testing (ASC 360)
- Fair value measurements (ASC 820)
- Fresh start accounting (ASC 852)
- Leases (ASC 840)
- Appraisal Review / Using the work of a Specialist (AU 336)